Ger Detect Gold Hunter

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Treasures and Gold: Ground search system.
Natural gold, gold veins, gold nuggets and underground mines:
Underground search system. Silver Underground search system.
Caves, hollows and ancient graves.
Underground Gemstone Search System

After completion of the settings and initiating the detection process, the detector will start sending and receiving special frequencies to detect. Depth up to 35 meters underground! The receiver locates the target selected in the box control and automatically guides the user to the exact location, once the location is reached and is above the target, the locator will make circular movements. The metal Detector geolocator Gold Hunter It is a long-range locating device with German technology and intelligence, manufactured in Germany, device Modern, ergonomic, easy to use and small but with accurate results. The device has been tested by experts to demonstrate quality in their industry before offering it on the market.